Sunday, March 27, 2011 beans

Olivia loves to eat! The oatmeal was a success, so we thought it was time to try something green. She had her first pureed green beans yesterday! She wasn't sure at first, but once she got going she loved it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Naked Baby (almost)

Olivia loves to be naked, but I thought I would put on a diaper before I exposed her on the internet! She recently discovered that her feet are great for biting and is perfecting her happy baby pose.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

She Eats!

Olivia had her first taste of oatmeal this morning! I'm not sure how much actually went in, but it was fun!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

5 Months

Olivia turned 5 months on Saturday! She's almost 15 lbs and growing so fast. Yesterday, she learned to roll from her back to her stomach and is so proud of herself. She is also trying so hard to sit up on her own and can do it for a few seconds at a time. Now that she can really hold her head up, we have been putting her in the exersaucer. She'll sit and play in there for over an hour while I get things done around the house. We all love the exersaucer!

Olivia recently discovered Douglas and loves to watch him. She'll watch him walk around the room and then reach out to touch him when he gets close. I think Douglas is starting to warm up to her too.
