Monday, December 10, 2012

Helmet Week 2

Wes is doing great and completely adjusted to the helmet.  It's like a part of him now.  I kind of get excited to take the helmet off in the morning for his half hour break because I can see a difference everyday!  It's amazing!

He now rolls over from tummy to back and back to tummy.  If I leave the room for a minute he's usually in a new position when I come back!  He'll be on the move before we know it. He tried sweet potato this week and loved it.

Before helmet

 Week 1

Week 2

Week 2

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

He Made the Team

Well, maybe it's a little too early for him to be on the hockey team, but his new cranial helmet makes him look the part.  I first noticed Wes' head looked flat at about 6 weeks.  I mentioned it to the pediatrician, but was told to do more tummy time and wait to see what happened.  I became obsessed with tummy time and wearing him in the Baby Bjorn.  I was terrified to put him on his back because I didn't want it to get any worse.  The problem was that Wes looked straight up at the ceiling when he slept at night.  I used to go in and turn his head at night, but he would move it right back as soon as I left the room.

Then at his two month appointment we were sent to see a specialist at Children's Hospital to discuss the flatness.  We were told that Wes has a moderate case of Brachycephaly, which is when the head is flat  and becomes wider than normal.  I went home that day feeling guilty and blaming myself for the flatness.  Did I put him on his back too much?  I should have held him more?  After doing some research, I learned how common this is and tried to stop blaming myself.  Then I started to worry about how he was going to adapt to the helmet.  I spent many nights worrying about it and wondering if we were making the right decision to put him in the helmet.  Was he going to hate it?  Would he cry all the time?  It didn't help that we had to wait until Wes was just about 5 months to get the helmet.  It was weeks of waiting, but it's finally here.

Last Monday I took Wes to get fitted for his helmet.  I told myself that I was going to be strong and keep it together, but I sat down with the orthotist and started crying (I'm sure this is not a surprise to most).  I was just so nervous about how he would react and the tears just started flowing.  Luckily, the orthotist was very understanding and told me almost every mom cries at the fitting.  Then he came in with the helmet, stuck it on Wes' head, and Wes gave me the biggest smile.  That's when I was sure I did the right thing.  We have had one minor issue with the way it was fitting last week, but we got it adjusted and Wes is doing great!  We have noticed a huge difference in just a week!  He'll have the roundest head in town before we know it!

Besides adjusting to his new life with a helmet, he has been very busy learning to roll over, eat oatmeal, and getting better at sitting up on his own!  He is such a happy little guy!

                                         I'll post more pictures after we decorate the helmet!

less than a week after

Before Helmet (not the best side profile, but you get the idea)

(less than a week after helmet)