Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Beautiful Eyes

I have been holding off on this post for a while (or a year since he'll be one on the 30th!), but thought it was time to share.

People always comment on both of my kids' eyes.  In the grocery store, at the library, or the park people are always telling them they have beautiful eyes.  Olivia has these bright blueish gray eyes that just pop out and Wes' just seem to have a special something or maybe it's because he has two different eyes.

When Wes was born I noticed that something seemed different about his left eye.  I didn't say anything in the hospital because they told me that everything was normal and we were good to go home.  As the days went on and he was becoming more alert, I noticed that the pupil in his left eye didn't match the pupil in his right eye.  The left pupil seemed to drip down and wasn't a perfect circle.  I mentioned it to my mom, Erik, and the visiting nurse at her visit, but no one else seemed to see what I was talking about.  I couldn't let it go because at this point I knew something was wrong.  I didn't care what anyone else said, I needed to get it checked out.

When he was 6 days old I brought him back to the pediatrician and had her check his eyes again.  This time she could see what I was talking about and sent us straight to the eye doctor.  He was diagnosed with a Coloboma of the Iris.  A coloboma is a hole in one of the structures of the eye and in Wes' case it's his iris.  It happens in the early stages of pregnancy and affects 1 in 10,000 births.  Wes has had to have some extra tests done to make sure nothing else is going on, but everything has come back normal.

We have been to the eye doctor many times to keep following his eye development, but our doctor just told us we don't have to go back for a year and he development is right on track! His vision is great and at this point we are just thinking of it as his birth mark.  

Here's are few photos of Wes where you can see his cool eye! These are old pictures, but I'll post more of both kids soon.

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