Wednesday, May 4, 2011

7 months

Olivia is 7 months today! She is so much fun and really starting to show her personality. She loves to talk and babbles all day long. I heard "dada" for the first time the other day while she was talking to everyone in Target. She is really good at sitting now, but still falls over if she gets distracted. We started a music class with Ricki and Jonah last week! They both seem to really like it. We sing, dance, and play with instruments. Olivia is always really interested in the drums, which makes Erik happy. He is already teaching her how to play the guitar.

It took a long time, but Olivia is finally sleeping through the night! It is so nice to sleep for 8 or 9 consecutive hours since I haven't done it in a year. I'm more tired now than when I was getting up once or twice a night, but I'm not complaining. She goes to sleep around 6:45 and wakes up around 6:30, but then she'll lay in her crib for another half hour after I feed her. She also learned how to find her pacifier and put it back in on her own. I put a couple in her crib, so its easier for her to find one in the middle of the night. I'll put her down with a pink one and then she'll have a green one in her mouth when I get her in the morning! I forgot how much I love sleep!

Yesterday, She was on the floor trying to reach the phone and she started to push herself with her legs. I think crawling is in the near future! I'm going to try to enjoy these last few weeks before she's always on the move!

Olivia and Jonah!
Aunt Ricki, Uncle Ez, and Jonah

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