Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Apple Picking

We took Olivia apple picking for the first time this weekend at Tougas Farm. She loved being pulled around in the wagon while eating apples, but who wouldn't love that! We walked the orchard, ate some apple cider doughnuts and kettle corn, and then Olivia fell asleep as soon as we got in the car. It's hard work to hang out with your friends and eat!

I'm still working on her birthday post, so things are going to be a little out of order. Enjoy the apple picking pictures!

too many apples

riding in style
Jonah's lunch looked better!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Good thing Olivia didn't inherit your apple allergy! (I'm guessing you didn't have any!) Lol! Miss you! <3, Theresa
